Your hosts
Guests belong to a hotel like snow and sun to the Engadin winter. And as the saying goes? Without hosts, no guests! In addition to the co-directors Eva Leitner and Noëmie Ruckstuhl, there are of course other hosts at work.
They all have something in common: enthusiasm for what they do and the courage to break new ground. At Sunstar Pontresina, the team works without hierarchies. Responsibilities are distributed and everyone can contribute their own ideas, true to the motto "Byounique and do it Your Way".

Eva Leitner
Head Star
It must come from the heart if it is to have an effect on the heart. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Noëmie Ruckstuhl
Head Star
Life is too short for sometime. - Ciara Geraghty

Ramon Schrulle
Technology & Cleaning Star
Come as you are. - Kurt Cobain

Natalia Lysytsia
Bar Star
We are here to make a contribution to this world. Why else are we here? - Steve Jobs

Oleksandr Lutsenko
Cooking & Service Star
He who does nothing never makes mistakes. - Theodore Roosevelt

André Gonçalves
Cleaning Star
Don't waste your chances.

Anna Remizova
Info Star
Life is about the people you meet and the moments you create together

Ana Matos
Cleaning Star
You are your own limit.

Carla Nogueira
Cleaning Star
Smile at the world and the world will smile back

Christian Spierer
Service & Info Star
Lachen ist für die Seele dasselbe wie Sauerstoff für die Lungen.

Gabriele Frauendorfer
Service & Info Star
Nicht alles, was viele machen, ist sinnvoll und gut für uns.

André Prado
Cleaning Star
Give it all and ask for no return

Cristiano Ferro
Cleaning Star
Never doubt in yourself, just show the world how you can do better.

Giuseppe Leuzzi
Technology Star
Keine Schneeflocke fällt je an die falsche Stelle.

Jana Neumann
Info & Service Star
Am Ende wird alles gut! Und wenn es noch nicht gut ist, ist es noch nicht das Ende.

Who are you?
Would you like to complement us and our skills and personalities? Do you have crazy ideas and like to go different ways? Are you creative and open to new ideas? Then get in touch with us and tell us about the mix of your job profile. We offer humanity, flat hierarchies and the opportunity to get involved.